Aceclofenac 100mg+paracetamol 325mg+serratiopeptidase 15mg by NOVALAB GROUP...

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Aceclofenac 100mg+paracetamol 325mg+serratiopeptidase 15mg

Aceclofenac & paracetamol with Serratiopeptidase is an ideal combination which effectively works on sports injuries, muscular & spinal spodylitis and in post operative spasm. Aceclofenac & paracetamol & Serratiopeptidase have their individual effect such as aceclofenac acquires the high-quality GI tolerability as compared to diclofenac, paracetamol in the combination acts as an anti pyretic agent, whereas, Serratiopeptidase helps in fast & quick wound healing & oedema. Migace -SP tablets are available in 10*10 Alu -Alu pack & cost around Rs. 750/850.

Aceclofenac 100mg+paracetamol 325mg+serratiopeptidase 15mg

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